Department of translation theory and methodology
Oksana Lytkina
Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
At the Higher School of Translation and Interpreting since 2016
Graduated with honors from Belinsky Penza State Pedagogical University with a degree in Russian language and literature.
Candidate of Philology since 2002, specialty 10.02.01 - "Russian". Topic of candidate thesis: Word-forming Paradigms of Non-derived Antonyms Across Different Parts of Speech in Modern Russian.Additional qualifications: Teaching methods of Russian as a foreign language (qualified as a teacher of Russian as a foreign language), teaching Russian as a non-native language, training area "Linguistics" (qualification: teaching (tutoring) Russian as a non-native language).
Practical sessions: “Practical Course of Russian”, “Normative Grammar”, “Tutorial of Written Communication for Science”, “Practical Styles of Russian”.
Research Interests: Russian grammar, communicative styles of Russian, cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics.
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